Meet Nikki
Rosie Dalia
Tell us a little about you and your brand
Growing up in Delhi and travelling extensively in India, I dreamt of creating a company that promotes the incredible crafts and rich traditions of the country I love so much. Rosie Dalia is a fusion of my experiences; a mix of traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design.
Who or what inspires you?
Other mums out there hustling to grow their businesses while raising their children! It's a serious juggle and really important for our kids to see us following our dreams.
Which other brands do you love?
Small homegrown brands that offer unique products that tell a story, many have been at The Curated Store! It is important that we know how and where products are made - if you talk to small business owners they can normally tell you about the manufacturing partners they work with and skills building initiatives that are embedded as good practice within their business.